President’s Letter: Building the Next OKWU
Beyond OKWU: Sending Servant Leaders
I give thanks every day for the foundations poured to start OKWU in 1905. It is exciting to build the next chapter in the life of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. As I reflect on the history of our school and the fact that Wendy and I are giving ourselves to this cause in our fifth year as President and First Lady, the verse that comes to mind is 1 Timothy 6:19 which says: In this way they will lay up treasures for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. Many have created a firm foundation over the past 118 years that we still enjoy today. We thank the Lord for their sacrificial servanthood.
Our dependence on the Lord’s help and the leadership of the Holy Spirit saturates everything we are about as a university. From our weekly prayer calls, to our Chapel services, to our devotions in classes, at athletic practices, and in our dorm lobbies, we fully acknowledge our complete dependence on following the will of the Lord. Join me in praying that God will continue to do His supernatural work in and through OKWU.
The focus of OKWU is simple—
prepare and send students into the world to advance the Kingdom of God. OKWU is ultimately about developing and sending servant leaders to have a direct influence on culture by living out the good news of Jesus.
That makes our mission different from thousands of colleges. We believe if we all have our eyes on Christ, remaining biblically-centered, and obeying the Holy Spirit – together we can fix this world for the Kingdom of Jesus.
We continue to innovate and develop new programs. I am proud of our academic, athletic, and fine arts programs as we head into the future. OKWU is an outstanding university that does things the right way. We seek excellence for Christ in all we do. Our methods may change, but the biblical messages of salvation, sanctification, and living a life of obedience for Christ’s Kingdom will never change.
Many have given their time, talents, and treasures to build the university we enjoy today. Will you join us as we build the next OKWU? Will you pray that Oklahoma Wesleyan University can thrive into the future grounded on the Primacy of Jesus Christ, the Priority of Scripture, the Pursuit of Truth, and the Practice of Wisdom?
Thank you for partnering with us through generous, recurring donations. Our daily operational needs are overwhelming at times. What we are striving to raise over the next decade through our NOW Campaign is way beyond what we can possibly do on our own, but already we see God helping us with every step.
People are catching the vision of the next OKWU in tremendous ways. Donations and commitments of over $6 Million have been raised in the first six months of our campaign. Our goal is to raise $68 Million by December 31, 2030. It will take an average of $7 Million per year to reach this goal. We need you. Every gift counts.
Ask the Lord, our firm foundation, what you can do to partner with us as we Build the Next OKWU. Our world needs Christ-like servant leaders for the coming age who are sent from OKWU to change this world for Him!
For the Transformation of all,
Dr. Jim Dunn, President