OKWU’s second annual Give Day will take place on March 25, 2021. This special event invites alumni, family, and friends to support student success with a gift to the OKWU annual fund.
This year’s theme, “Give Today. Build Tomorrow,“ encapsulates OKWU’s mission statement: to develop tomorrow’s leaders through the impact of a Christian education. The influence in culture of the Grace and Truth of Jesus Christ has never been more needed than now, and #OKWUGiveDay is a crucial path forward to expanding the university’s impact.
“There is a risk”
“There is a risk in giving during times like these,” Kyle White, Vice President for Student Development, said. “The pandemic, economic difficulties, and overall weariness can sometimes cause us to pull in towards ourselves. But the more we love our neighbor through the trouble of giving our heart, time, and finances, the more abundant fruit is produced. Thank you for sharing! Thank you for taking the risk on our students and our OKWU family. Every day, we see the fruit of your gifts manifested in the lives of our students. Every day, we see them grow, give, and become.”
Help match an $85K Gift
Contributions to Give Day will directly support student scholarships, allowing young women and men to continue receiving the life-changing experience of an OKWU education. After last year’s successful event, a generous donor has already given an $85,000 matching gift, and your donations help us to make the most of this incredible generosity.
“Most of us feel torn to give to several organizations, from PTO to the cute little girl scouts with the yummy cookies,” Angel Olenberger, GPS Enrollment Services Manager, said. “But this year, as you are thinking of OKWU Give Day, I would encourage anyone considering giving to not only give, but give more. As an alumnus and an employee, I have found this to be the best workplace culture I have ever been around. My team cares for each other. They lift each other up in prayer and friendship. We are like-minded… Give Day positively impacts the staff and faculty by helping grow a community where Jesus is Lord.”
“Thank you for sharing! Thank you for taking the risk on our students and our OKWU family. Every day, we see the fruit of your gifts manifested in the lives of our students. Every day, we see them grow, give, and become.”
You can get involved through donations, prayer, or by helping OKWU spread the word about the event via social media. A social media kit is available to help you share about your gift; plus, stay tuned to our channels on March 25 to keep up with all the fun.
For more info, visit www.okwu.edu/giveday. Thank you!