Explore Your Interest
You can choose from 36 majors. Additional minors allow you to explore other areas of interest. Our programs are built on academic excellence and equip you for a successful lifelong career

Department of Humanites Minors
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Acting and Performance Minor
Required Courses:
Scriptwriting (COMM3453)
Digital Film Production & Lab (COMM3823 & COMM3821)
Faith and Film (ART3893)
Film History (ART3113)
Comm Theater Internship (COMM4103)
Stagecraft (PERF1901)
Stagecraft (PERF2901)
Stagecraft (PERF3901)
Stagecraft (PERF4901)
Critical Thinking and Persuasion Minor
Required Courses:
Advanced Composition and Rhetoric (ENGL4453)
Electives—Choose from any of the courses below:
Introduction to Critical Theory (LIT4753)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG3713)
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL2313)
General Ethics (PHIL2443)
Advanced Editing (ENGL3353)
Critiques of Christianity (APOL3233)
Biblical Hermeneutics (BLIT3463)
Film History (ART3113)
Faith and Film (ART3893)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT4533)
Homiletics 1 (PAMI3313)
Evangelism (PAMI2113)
American Constitutional History (HIST4843)
Any one (1) literature (LIT) course at 3000-level or higher
Digital Cinema Minor
Required Courses:
Introduction to Video Production (COMM 3273)
Choose from any four of the following:
Advanced Video Production & Lab (COMM3673 & 3671)
Script Writing (COMM3453)
Directing the Documentary (COMM3683)
Digital Film Production & Lab (COMM3823 & COMM3821)
Film History (ART3113)
Faith and Film (ART3893)
Choose from any three of the following:
Production Labs (COMM2501/3501/4501)
Digital Media Marketing Minor
Choose from any of the courses below:
Introduction to Graphic Design (COMM2713)
Introduction to Mass Communication (COMM2753)
Introduction to Photography (COMM2373)
Introduction to Video Production (COMM3273)
Digital Media Marketing (COMM3513)
Production Labs (COMM2501/3501/4501)
Other Communication Electives (COMM)
English Minor
Required Courses:
English Grammar (ENGL 3893)
Major American Novels (LIT 4243)
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (LIT 4533)
Electives—Any combination of courses with an ENGL, LIT, or LING prefix
Graphic Design and Strategy Minor
Required Courses:
Intro to Graphic Design (COMM 2713)
Graphic Design 2 (COMM 3713)
Graphic Design 3 (COMM 3733)
Identity Strategy & Design (COMM 3423)
Choose two of the following:
Digital Media Marketing (COMM 3513)
Motion Graphics (COMM 3883)
Introduction to Digital Photography (COMM 2373)
Introduction to Video Production (COMM 3273)
Media Production Labs (COMM 2501, 3501, 4501)
Letters Minor
Complete any 18 credit hours within the OKWU Honors College (any LTRS course)
Interdisciplinary Seminar 1 (LTRS1440)
- Covenants in Old Testament Context (LTRS1113)
- Contextualizing History: Biblical and Secular (LTRS1413)
Interdisciplinary Seminar 2 (LTRS1240)
- God, Salvation, and the New Testament (LTRS1213)
- Government and the US Democracy in Biblical Context (LTRS1133)
Interdisciplinary Seminar 3 (LTRS2140)
- Rhetoric and Speaking as Influence (LTRS2703)
- Reasoning in Ethics (LTRS2443)
- Rationality of Christian Worldview (LTRS3103)
Interdisciplinary Seminar 4 (LTRS2240)
- Cognition: The Psychology of Emotion (LTRS2503)
- Characters and Corruption in Shakespearean Literature (LTRS2103)
- Confronting Fallenness: Christian School Formation (LTRS3023)
Lewis Fellowship (HUMA1901, 2901, 3901, 4901)
Classics in Contemporary Context (LTRS3133)
Honors Service Practicum (LTRS3123)
Senior Thesis 1 (LTRS4113)
Senior Thesis 2 (LTRS4123)
Writing & Editing Minor
Required Courses:
Advanced Composition and Rhetoric (ENGL 4453)
English Grammar (ENGL 3893)
Advanced Editing (ENGL 3353
Electives—Choose from any of the courses below
Major American Novels (LIT4243)
Creative Writing: Fiction & Non-Fiction (ENGL3383)
Creative Writing: Poetry (ENGL3253)
Writing & Editing Portfolio (ENGL4753)
Writing & Editing Internship (ENGL4653)
Writing for Mass Media (COMM3223)
Introduction to Mass Communication (COMM2753)
Introduction to Web Design (COMM3103)
Script Writing (COMM3453)
Digital Media Marketing (COMM3513)
Production Lab: Media Writing (COMM3701)
Advanced Media Writing (COMM4753)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG3713)
Homiletics 1 (PAMI3313)
Biblical Hermeneutics (BLIT3463)
Music Minor
Required Courses:
Foundations of Music (MUSI 1173)
ANY Survey of Music Course
Elective MUSI Courses (up to 6 hours can be applied or performance credits)
Music Business Minor
Required Courses:
Foundations of Music (MUSI 1173)
Intro to Music Business and Production (MUSI2343)
Elective Business or MUSI Courses (up to 6 hours can be applied or performance credits)
Worship Production Minor
Required Courses:
Christian Worship: Planning and Preparation (MUSI3743)
Introduction to Graphic Design (COMM2713)
Introduction to Video Production (COMM3273)
Christian Worship: Biblical and Historical Foundations (PAMI3153)
Choose Six Credit hours from the following:
Foundations of Music (MUSI1173)
Three terms of Contemporary Ensemble (Sound Technician) MUSI1791, 2791, 3791 or 4791)
Three terms of Instrumental Ensemble (Sound Technician) MUSI1231, 2231, 3231, or 4231)
Introduction to Photography (COMM2373)
Church and Culture (THEO3233)
John Wesley and the History of the Wesleyan Church (THEO3533)
Systematic Theology I (THEO3613)
Systematic Theology II (THEO3623)
Worship Arts Minor
Required Courses:
Foundations of Music (MUSI 1173)
Christian Worship: Planning and Preparation (MUSI 3734)
Elective MUSI Courses (up to 6 hours can be applied or performance credits)
Department of Educational Studies Minor
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Exercise Science Minor
Required Courses:
Learner Development (EDUC2303)
Engaging Diverse Learners (EDUC3113)
Managing the Learning Environment (EDUC4833)
Data Driven Instruction (EDUC4423)
Middle School Methods (EDSC3212)
Middle School Practicum (EDSC3221)
High School Methods (EDSC3321)
High School Practicum (EDSC3312)
Department of Exercise Science Minors
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Exercise Science Minor
Required Courses:
Kinesiology (PHYE 3813)
Exercise Physiology (PHYE 3823)
Athletic Injuries & Training (HLTH 3653)
Select 9 Hours from the Following Courses:
Exercise Lab Techniques (PHYE 4222)
Motor Learning (PHYE 3323)
Therapeutic Modalities (PHYE 3473)
Medical Terminology (HLTH 4753)
Adapted Physical Activity (PHYE 3212)
Health Concepts and First Aid (HLTH 3513)
Fitness Internship (PHYE 4803)
Sports & Recreation Leadership Minor
Required Courses:
Athletic Injuries & Training (HLTH 3653)
Sports Psychology (PHYE 3513)
Leadership in Sports (PHYE 4413)
Select 9 Hours from the Following Courses:
Recreational Leadership (PHYE 2613)
Methods of Team Sports (PHYE 3913)
Individual & Dual Sports (PHYE 3412)
Sports Officiating (PHYE 2233)
Health Concepts and First Aid (HLTH 3513)
Public Relations in Sports (COMM 3743)
Sports Law (PHYE 4313)
Facility and Event Management (PHYE 4223)
Fitness Internship (PHYE 4803)
School of Ministry & Christian Thought Minors
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Apologetics Minor
Required Courses:
Evangelism (PAMI2113)
Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL2313)
General Ethics (PHIL2443)
Comparative Religions (PHIL3463)
Christian Worldview & Apologetics (CWVC3103)
Critiques of Christianity (APOL3233)
Biblical and Theological Studies Minor
Required Courses:
Biblical Hermeneutics (BLIT 3463)
Systematic Theology I (THEO 3613)
Systematic Theology II (THEO 3623)
THEO or BLIT electives (Not including BLIT 1103 and BLIT 1203)
Digital Media Ministry Minor
Required Courses:
Intro to Graphic Design (COMM2713)
Intro to Video Production (COMM3273)
Intro to Digital Photography (COMM2373)
Intro to Mass Communication (COMM2753)
Intro to Web Design (COMM3513)
Advanced Web Design (COMM3523) or Advanced Video Production (COMM3673)
Global Studies Minor
Required Courses:
Introduction to Intercultural Studies (GLST 2213)
International Human Rights (GLST 2313)
Cultural Anthropology (SOCI 3763)
GLST electives or Descriptive Linguistics (LING 3223)
Non-Profit Operations Minor
Required Courses:
Accounting 1 (ACCT 2113)
Intro to Leadership (GBUS 3353)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG 3713)
Church Administration and the Wesleyan Discipline (PAMI 3423)
Electives (choose two):
Accounting 2 (ACCT 2123)
Human Resource Management (MGMT 3413)
Organizational Behavior (MGMT 3523)
Pastoral Counseling Minor
Required Courses:
Pastoral Care (PAMI 3543)
Pastoral Counseling (PAMI 4363)
Choose any one of the following:
General Ethics (PHIL 2443)
Comparative Religions (PHIL 3463)
Christian Spiritual Formation (SFOR 3023)
Choose any three of the following:
Marriage and Family Relations (PSYC 2433)
Learner Development (EDUC 2303)
Psychology of Personality (PSYC 3353)
Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (PSYC 4723)
Youth and Family Ministry Minor
Required Courses:
Introduction to Ministry (PAMI1111)
Called to Teach (EDUC1302)
Foundations of Youth and Family Ministry (YFAM2253)
Learner Development (EDUC2303)
Programming for Transformational Youth and Family Ministry (YFAM3353)
A Practical Theology of Christian Leadership (PAMI4233)
Youth and Family Ministry Practicum (YFAM4803)
Department of Science & Mathematics Minors
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Biology Minor
Required Courses:
General Biology (BIOL 1524)
General Microbiology (BIOL 3424)
Plant Biology (BIOL 3044) OR Principles of Ecology (BIOL 3254)
Any other two BIOL courses worth 3–4 credits*
Chemistry Minor
Required Courses:
General Chemistry 1 (CHEM 1514) 4
General Chemistry 2 (CHEM 1524)
12 credits of Upper Division Chemistry courses
General Science Minor
Required Courses:
General Biology (BIOL 1524)
General Chemistry 1 & General Chemistry 1 Lab (CHEM 1514 & CHEM 1514L)
General Chemistry 2 & General Chemistry 2 Lab (CHEM 1524 & CHEM 1524L)
8 credits of Upper-Division Chemistry and/or Biology Courses
Mathematics Minor
Required Courses:
College Trigonometry (MATH 1713)
Calculus/Analytical Geometry 1 (MATH 2624)
Calculus/Analytical Geometry 2 (MATH 2714)
9 credits of Upper-Division Mathematics Courses*
Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences Minors
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History Minor
Required Courses:
US History 1 (HIST 3163)
US History 2 (HIST 3173)
European History Overview (HIST 3283)
Choose 9 hours Upper-Division History (HIST)
Political Science Minor
Choose any 6 of the following courses:
World Systems and International Relations Since 1517 (POLS 4537)
American Constitutional History (HIST 4843)
History of American Foreign Relations (HIST 4163)
The Anglo-American Legal Tradition (PLAW 4213)
Business Law (GBUS 3213)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT 4533)
Advanced Composition and Rhetoric (ENGL 4453)
Pre-Law Minor
Required Courses:
American Constitutional History (HIST 4843) 3
The Anglo-American Legal Tradition (PLAW 4213) 3
Lewis Fellowship (HUMA 1901/HUMA 2901/HUMA3901)
Additional Required (Choose 9 hours from the following)
Legal Studies Internship (PLAW 4903)
Advanced Composition and Rhetoric (ENGL 4453)
Criminal Law (CRMJ 2303)
Criminal Procedure (CRMJ 3003)
Introduction to Criminal Courts (CRMJ 2103)
Business Law (GBUS 3213)
Business Ethics (GBUS 3223)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT 4533)
Psychology Minor
Required Courses:
Psychology of Personality (PSYC 3353)
Psychology of Abnormal Behavior (PSYC 4723)
History and Systems of Psychology (PSYC 3733)
Electives: Any 9 hours of PSYC or SOCI coursework
Sociology Minor
Required Courses:
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 1403)
Electives (Choose 15 hours from the following):
Marriage and Family Relations (PSYC 2433)
Social Problems (SOCI 3433)
Social Deviance (SOCI 3663)
Cultural Anthropology (SOCI 3763)
Victimology (CRMJ 4003)
Juvenile Justice Procedures (CRMJ 3203)
Introduction to Intercultural Ministry (GLST 2213)
Minority Group Relations (SOCI 3843)
Organizational Behavior (MGMT 3523)
School of Business Minors
*Intentionally Blanks*
Required Courses:
Accounting 1 (ACCT2113)
Accounting 2 (ACCT2123)
Upper Division Accounting electives
Business – Non-Business Only
Required Courses:
Accounting 1 (ACCT2113)
Personal Career Development (GBUS3243)
Macroeconomics (GBUS2213)
Conflict Management (GBUS3333)
Principles of Management (MGMT2313)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG3713)
Business Analytics
Required Courses:
Introduction to Business Analytics (BAN3003)
Programming for Everyone I (CSC1213)
Programming for Everyone II (CSC1223)
Foundations of Data Analytics I (BAN1113)
Marketing Analytics (BAN3823)
Financial Analytics (BAN4123)
Business Communication
Required Courses:
Emotional Intelligence (GBUS3613)
Interpersonal Communication (COMM1803)
Professional Selling (MKTG4383)
Conflict Management (GBUS3333)
Personal Career Development (GBUS3243)
Business Ethics (GBUS4223)
Criminal Justice
Required Courses:
Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRMJ2003)
Introduction to Criminal Courts (CRMJ2103)
Conflict Management (GBUS3333)
Criminal Justice electives
Financial Services
Required Courses:
Money and Banking (BFIN 3533)
Investments (BFIN 4343)
Principles of Risk Management (BFIN 3623)
Professional Selling MKTG 4383
Corporate Finance (BFIN 3663)
Conflict Management (GBUS 3333)
Game Development
Required Courses:
Introduction to Games (CSCG1313)
Content and Systems Design (CSCG2313)
Unity I: Working with Unity (CSCG3513)
C# Programming (CSCG3523)
Unity II: Advanced Unity Programming (CSCG4413)
Capstone Project: Building a Game (CSCG4423)
Management and Leadership
Required Courses:
Principles of Management (MGMT2313)
Interpersonal Communication (COMM1803)
Conflict Management (GBUS3333)
Emotional Intelligence (GBUS3613)
Organizational Behavior (MGMT3523)
Human Resource Management (MGMT3413)
Introduction to Leadership (GBUS3353)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT4533)
Required Courses:
Conflict Management (GBUS3333)
Principles of Advertising (GBUS3533)
Professional Selling (MKTG4383)
Principles of Marketing (MKTG3713)
Marketing Management (MKTG4343)
Consumer Behavior (MKTG4363)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT4533)
Sports Marketing
Required Courses:
Professional Selling (MKTG4383)
Sports Advertising (GBUS3633)
Negotiation Strategy (MGMT4533)
Sports Marketing Management (MKTG4443)
Consumer Behavior (MKTG4363)
On-Campus Students
Traditional Undergraduate Experience
Graduate & Professional Studies
Experts in Online Learning
High School College Credit
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