Student Leader Application Home / Campus Life / Student Leader / Student Leader Application Scroll to Interior Navigation Student Leader Application Step 1 of 4 - Biographical Information 25% I am applying for:* Resident Assistant (RA) Student Path Coach (SPC) Biographical InformationName* First Last Gender* Male Female Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Cell Phone*Email* OKWU Student ID Number*OKWU Student ProfileCurrent Housing Status:* On Campus Off Campus If on campus: where?*If off campus: where?*Current Classification* Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Major(s)*Minor(s) (if applicable)Cumulative GPA (based on 4.0 scale)*Number of Credit Hours Completed to date*Anticipated Graduation Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Anticipated Commitments for Upcoming Academic Year*Please list any extracurricular activities in which you will participate, along with an approximate time commitment in hours per week (i.e. student teaching, internships, student organizations, other employment). Experience for RARA: Related Leadership and Work Experience*RA Essay 1: Describe three specific roles in which you believe the RA serves the university.RA Essay 2: Explain the personal qualities, abilities, or strengths you would bring to the Residential Life staff.*RA Essay Programming: Design an original program or event that you would implement for your residents if you are hired as a Resident Assistant (i.e. floor activity, Bible study, competition, community building event).* Explain why you chose this program or event and how it would benefit your residents. Create an overall plan for the event (how do you get the word out, what supplies do you need, etc) Create an advertisement or poster for the event (upload poster below). RA: Upload your essay questionsAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.RA: Upload program idea/posterAccepted file types: pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 50 MB.Experience for SPCSPC: Campus Involvement and Leadership*SPC: Upload your essay questionsAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.SPC Essay 1: What has been the most impactful thing for you that has happened in your time at OKWU so far?*SPC Essay 2: In a paragraph or two, please describe what you are currently doing to become the best person and leader you can be?*SPC Essay 3: Have you ever been in a coaching relationship before? How did it help you? What would you do differently as a mentor or coach to others?*SPC Essay 4: Please give a clear and honest description of your current walk with Christ. Include any recent areas of growth that you are experiencing.* Professional ReferencePlease provide information for a professional reference we can contact (employer, professor, advisor, etc)Name* First Last Relationship*Email* Phone*Peer ReferencePlease provide information for a peer reference we can contact (student, resident assistant, student mentor, etc.)Name* First Last Relationship*Email* Phone* Application SignatureEqual Opportunity - It is our policy to provide equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, age, veteran's status, disability, or national origin. Applicant's Statement - I certify that all the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that the information contain on this application is subject to verification. I acknowledge that any false representations will be grounds for denial of my employment With my signature, I give you my permission to verify my GPA, completed hours, university discipline background, and other information provided.Verification* I understand and agree to the above Signature*Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Experience OKWU Visit Apply Give