Made For This logo

Live like Jesus. Love like Jesus. Lead like Jesus.

This is the invitation the Apostle Paul extends to Philippians as he identifies Jesus as the chief example of who we ought to shape our own life after.

Jesus said it Himself throughout the Gospels: He came to serve, not be served (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, John 13:1-17,). If we, created in the very image of God (Genesis 1:27), are to live, lead, and love like Jesus, “who being in very nature God” (Philippians 2:6), then that means we too were made to serve, not be served.

Just like Jesus. We are committing ourselves to a journey of discovering the ways of Jesus this year; discovering who Jesus is and how we were made to live, lead, and love like Him! Because we believe we are Made For This!

OKWU Bible Study Guide

Grow in your faith with the Bible study quick guide.

Read: Someone in the group read the passage out loud.

Retell: Someone retell the passage in your own words, as if you are sharing it with a friend.

– Discuss what the passage teaches us about God.
– Discuss what the passage teaches us about ourselves or others.

– How must we change based on what we just read? Each person in the group come up with a specific “I will_______” action step. Share with the group!
– Pray together as a group.

Here’s what’s ahead in Spiritual Life

Prayer Matters

Let us know how we can be praying for you

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A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma

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