Designated Parking

Reserved parking spaces are provided for designated campus personnel and other individuals as specified:

Handicapped: Parking areas are marked by signs within the various parking lots and are restricted to vehicles displaying current disabled and handicapped parking permits.

Bicycle: Bicycle racks are provided in various areas of campus for any two-wheeled vehicle that is not self-propelled.

Visitor: Parking is designated by signs and is restricted to campus visitors. This does not apply to off-campus students who are “just visiting” campus.

Faculty/Staff: Parking is provided for vehicles with current faculty/staff permits in specially designated areas.

Weekend Parking: Faculty/Staff parking lots will be closed to students. This includes visitor, faculty & staff, handicapped, President’s, or Resident Director parking.

Holidays/Breaks: All parking regulations are still in effect during this time.

Parking Regulations
  • Drivers must park their vehicles properly within designated areas, taking no more than one vehicle space.
  • Parking in any area other than those which are properly designated is prohibited.
  • Parking in fire zones, such as the circle in front of the mansion, is prohibited.
  • Parking in “No Parking” zones and along any of the roadway curb is prohibited.
  • Parking a motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbike, or moped in the bicycle racks is prohibited.
  • Blocking a street, driveway, or sidewalk is prohibited.
  • Vehicle repair and trailer parking is allowed only by permission of the Director of Buildings and Grounds.
  • Parking in an unmarked area is prohibited. This includes the grass.
Examples of Parking Violations
  • Vehicles illegally parked in handicap spaces, no parking zones, fire lanes, reserved employee spaces, interfering with University business, or otherwise obstructing traffic may be towed without warning.
  • Vehicles not displaying a valid registration are subject to vehicle immobilization.
  • Vehicles that cannot be booted for any reason, including tire size, are subject to immediate towing.
  • Vehicles may be booted for up to 24 hours, during which time the locking mechanism may be removed by paying an $85 fine. After 24 hours, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense, and any ticket or boot fees will be added to the overall cost of recovering the vehicle.
  • Boot fees cannot be transferred to a student account. All boot charges must be paid at the Cashier’s Office in Haltom Campus Center.
  • Improperly removing a boot may damage a vehicle as well as the boot and may result in criminal and OKWU conduct charges. Vehicle boots are to be removed only by Safety Office personnel.
  • After a vehicle has been booted two times, the student may lose all on-campus parking privileges, and the student’s vehicle may be towed from campus property.

No appeals will be reviewed if more than 48 hours have elapsed since the violation occurred. Only one appeal per violation may be made, and the decision of the traffic committee is final. The fine must be paid before an appeal will be reviewed.

Traffic Regulations

  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all crosswalks.
  • Driving a motor vehicle on pedestrian paths, sidewalks, grass, or any part of campus not designated a roadway is prohibited.
  • A maximum speed limit of 15 m.p.h. is assigned to all campus roadways and parking lots.
  • Full stops are to be made at all STOP signs.

OKWU will not assume responsibility for any loss, damage, theft, fire, or negligence of any motor vehicle parked on college property. To be protected from such losses, vehicle owners should acquire the appropriate coverage with their own insurance company.

Parking Permit

All students (residential, non-residential, commuter, GPS, or concurrent) bringing a vehicle to campus must register it at the Campus Safety office within 48 hours of arrival, excluding weekends. Returning students are not required to re-register their vehicles. A parking permit will be issued, which must be affixed to the inside of the passenger side front windshield). Unregistered vehicles will be given a warning on the first violation and any subsequent violation will result in the car being booted or towed at the owner’s expense.

Yearly Parking Permits

Any student bringing a vehicle must be registered at the cashier’s office within 48 hours of arriving on campus, weekends excluded. 

Visitor Parking Pass

Visitor and Temporary parking permits may also be also available upon request.

Parking Fines

Students will receive a notification of parking violation on their windshield, to their student e-mail address, or in their campus mailbox. A copy of this notice can be provided to the student’s advisor, coach (if applicable), and guardians. Each student will be given a warning for the first parking violation. A subsequent parking violation will result in the car being towed or booted at the owner’s expense. This sequence of notices will restart on August 1 every year.

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