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Tower Magazine: Preparing & Sending Servant Leaders
Your source of captivating OKWU stories. Explore faculty insights, connect with alumni, and read stories of the life-changing influence of an OKWU education.
Share Your News
Let us celebrate your achievements by submitting a family or career update in The Tower.
Alumni Facebook
Like the Oklahoma Wesleyan University Alumni Facebook page for pictures, news, and updates.
Our LinkedIn group offers professional networking opportunities for students and alumni. Join now!
Learn about your benefits as an alumnus.
Your Alumni Board is here to represent you, keep you informed, and celebrate your accomplishments.
You are a vital part of the story of our alma mater. Whether you attended when it was Central Pilgrim College, Miltonvale Wesleyan College, Bartlesville Wesleyan College, or Oklahoma Wesleyan University, you belong to our OKWU family!
We are excited to announce the new members of our Alumni Board. We are already hard at work on ways to keep our alumni family connected to what is happening at the University. Please plan to get involved, join the mailing list, and share your life updates with us so we can celebrate with you!
We want to hear from you!
Alumni Dependent Scholarship
Have a child coming to OKWU? The Alumni Dependent scholarship offers $400 annually to students whose parents attended OKWU or one of its antecedent schools. The parent must have successfully completed 12 hours at OKWU or one of its antecedent schools. The scholarship cannot be combined with the percentage of tuition or athletic agreements.
Alumni Engagement Opportunities
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Be an OKWU Prayer Warrior
Join in prayer for OKWU via Zoom for 15 minutes on Thursdays at 12 p.m. (noon) (CT). Join us here.
Pray that God will:
- Send OKWU everything needed
- Do His supernatural work in and through us every day
Nominate Outstanding Alumni for Awards
Nominate Eagles making a difference for God.
Alumni Awards and Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions provide an opportunity to celebrate those who are advancing the work of the Kingdom of God in their sphere of influence.
Recommend a Student
Attend Athletic Events
Cheer for OKWU athletes when they compete in your area.
- Monitor the Eagles’ webpage to view schedules, rosters, and team news
- Invite alumni friends to join you in attending local competitions
- Introduce yourself to coaches and players
Inform Professors of Employment and Internship Opportunities for OKWU Students
Convey information about openings for student internships and employment to professor(s) who teach in the related field(s) of study.
Host Your Class Reunion During Homecoming
Email OKWU’s Alumni Director to assist in promoting your class reunion: alumni@okwu.edu
- Support the Alumni Director in creating a list of contacts from your reunion year
- Invite classmates to register for and attend Homecoming
- Assist in hosting your class reunion during Homecoming
Make a Difference Financially
Contribute to the ongoing scholarship and financial needs of the university.
Your generosity is part of God’s provision, enabling OKWU to influence culture with the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
Finding a Foundation in a Post-Truth Culture
Some time ago, I was on a car ferry crossing a river between Michigan and Ontario. At the very moment that the ferry began to move, I happened to glance down at my car’s radio, so I didn’t see us disembark. Because I stayed in my car, its weight kept me from feeling...
Don’t Fear the Collision
The Importance of Christians Engaging in the Political Process While living on the East Coast a few years ago, I frequently engaged in political discussions with a neighbor. She was raised in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, and she worked for the government in...
Collision Points in the Classroom
When you think of the word collision, what images come to mind? A car wreck? A shipwreck? A collision in the hallway between two people? Two planets colliding? The funny thing about words is that when we think of them, we see images. We don’t see the actual definition...
Taking Care
“Religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:27, ISV) In the United States alone, there are more than 400,000 children in the foster...
2016-17 Excellence in Teaching: Dr. Mike Fullingim
How do you sum up Dr. J. Michael Fullingim, or, “Dr. Mike”, on one page? It’s impossible—so we took a picture instead. A Miltonvale Wesleyan College alumnus, missionary to Papua New Guinea, missionary training professional, and full-time OKWU professor of Religion,...
Alumni Connection
If you want to stay up-to-date with alumni news and events, please be sure to give us your updated contact info: Alumni Connection
Go: A Letter from the Editor
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 28:19] Go. Two letters that introduce the Great Commission—a rallying cry for a global people called by Christ to a global mission...
Faith Beyond Culture
Anlan "Annie" Cheney (Communications, 2015) spent her last semester as an OKWU student studying abroad with the School for International Training (SIT), the education arm of the non-profit organization World Learning. Her Program, "Peace and Conflict Studies in the...