Pastoral Ministry
The Pastoral Ministry program blends the best in academics with practical, hands-on experience. Students in this program learn from faculty who bring years of experience in the local church and education and share that knowledge with a practical framework to help students prepare for meeting the needs of today’s church.
Internships and local ministry projects give students invaluable experience so that when they graduate from the program, they are ready to follow God’s calling on their lives.
Students who graduate from the Pastoral Ministry program meet all the requirements for ordination by The Wesleyan Church.

Specialized Training
Students in the program are prepared for a variety of roles in ministries, whether pastoral or para-church. These areas of focus include digital media ministry, non-profit operations, worship arts, youth & family ministry, as well as many others.

Experienced Faculty
Each professional course, like pastoral care, church administration, evangelism, and others, is taught by men and women who are actively engaged in the fields they are teaching about. Our professors aren’t in an “Ivory Tower” but remain current and connected to active ministry.

Practical Experiences Built In
All ministry majors are required to do three semesters of Christian Service during their first two years. This can be done by serving in local churches or volunteering at para-church organizations such as the Salvation Army, Voice of the Martyrs, or several other local ministries. All upperclassmen must complete a supervised internship as part of their degree path.

Career Path
- Lead pastor or pastoral staff
- Discipleship and/or outreach program direction
- Church planting
- Christian education & preparation for graduate study
- Non-profit & para-church ministry
- Youth & family ministry
- Worship arts & productions
Preparing Leaders for Today’s Church
“After 36 years as both an Instructor and Dean in the School of Ministry, I can say without any hesitation that students pursuing a Pastoral Ministry Degree at Oklahoma Wesleyan receive the best of both worlds. They receive a rock-solid foundation in biblical and theological studies, from a world-class faculty.”
– Dr. Mark Weeter

Why Pastoral Ministry Matters
Students in this program receive a solid Biblical and theological foundation on which to build any type of ministry. From developing and implementing sermons to planning worship services, our students learn from professors who are actively engaged in the ministry of the Gospel. The leadership skills you learn are transferable to many areas of service.
Taught by Experts
OKWU has partnered with dedicated ministry professionals to create a program that combines the best in academic practice with the practical application and hands-on experience necessary to build a strong resume. Each class is taught by someone with years of experience in ministry, either as a full-time educator or ministry leader.

Featured Core Classes
Homiletics 1
An introduction to the fundamentals of sermon preparation and delivery, with emphasis on the Biblical basis for preaching, the process of communication and sermon construction, and the use of resources.
Pastoral Care
A study of the functions and ethics of the ministry and practical problems of the pastoral office.
Practical Theology of Leadership
This course looks to establish a Biblical theology of leadership by examining the impacts of organizational culture, processes, and communication on effective leadership.
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