Bachelor of Arts in English Education
OKWU’s Bachelor of Arts in English Education prepares students for certification in English Education, for teaching in grades 6-12. English courses develop a command of oral and written language, along with literary analysis skills. Education courses allow students to demonstrate English expertise in the creation of lessons, assessments, and interactions with middle school and high school students.
Graduates of OKWU’s English Education program are teachers, editors, writers, and leaders in English education all over the world, fulfilling the calling God has placed on their hearts. Many are in classrooms; others are in leadership positions, seeking to help others grow and change. All are encouraging those around them to take the necessary steps to grow in their faith and in their worlds.
Inspired to Teach
Earn up to $25,500 in scholarships and incentives for becoming an Oklahoma public school teacher.
Qualified Oklahoma students can earn scholarships and incentives of up to $25,500 for completing an approved teacher education degree and teaching in an Oklahoma public school.
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Integration of faith with learning
- Evaluate American, British, and world literature through the lens of a biblical worldview.
- Develop teaching skills and content expertise in a Christian environment.
- Learn to see each person as someone created in the image of God.
- Be prepared for a teaching career in a public, private, or online setting.
Participate in leadership opportunities
- Educators Seeking Excellence (ESE) – A student leadership council for OKWU Education majors.
- Field Experiences – Ten hours per semester of service-learning at accredited P-12 schools for three semesters.
- Clinical Practice: Practicums – 30 hours per practicum of teaching/observation at an accredited P-12 district. Five practicums in specific learning areas.
- Clinical Practice: Student Teaching – A minimum of 15 weeks in an accredited P-12 district site.

Featured Core Classes
Called to Teach
This course prepares students for the view from the other side of the desk: as a teacher. While this is the introductory education course, the teacher candidate will spend 10 hours in a P-12 classroom observing and assisting great teachers. Teacher candidates will understand what it means to be called to teach as they begin their journey of becoming a teacher.
Learner Development
Teacher candidates explore human growth and development from conception through adolescence, focusing on developmental theories, milestones, and assets. They also study cultural influences on development and the four domains of development: spiritual/moral, cognitive (language, mental), biosocial (physical), and psychosocial (social, emotional).
English Literature I & 2
These courses allow students to explore the historical, political, and economic backgrounds of major English literary works. Common literary themes are explored as students reflect on characters, their values, and their motives. With an emphasis on class discussions and presentations, students gain a deeper understanding of these authors and their purpose in creating rich characters, stories, and settings.
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A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma