Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
OKWU’s Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education prepares students for certification in elementary education in teaching grades 1-8. The elementary courses allow our students to develop their command of creative reading, nutrition, and other areas necessary in the field. Education courses teach expertise in the creation of lessons, assessments, and interactions with elementary students.
Graduates of OKWU’s B.S. in Elementary Education program are teachers, administrators, and leaders in education all over the world, fulfilling the calling of God on their lives. Many are in classrooms; others are in leadership positions, seeking to help others grow and change. All are encouraging those around them to take the necessary steps to grow in their faith and in their worlds.

The OKWU Difference
All teacher education programs in Oklahoma must adhere to state and federal accreditation standards, but each is set up differently. OKWU’s program purposefully advances students through the curriculum with escalating amounts of supervised practice. Students receive field experiences starting with their very first semester, spending time in different classrooms with different teachers.

Participate in field experience
The elementary education program at OKWU includes field experiences where students have the opportunity to observe and participate in real classroom settings. These field experiences gradually progress to a full-time student-teaching placement during the final fall semester of the program. Graduates of the program have hours of real classroom experience prior to graduation.

Admission Requirements
Interested students must meet the general admission requirements of the university. This includes a completed application, high school transcripts, and any other supporting documents required. You must have a 3.0 GPA and be recommended by a panel of educators after an interview process.

Inspired to Teach
Earn up to $25,500 in scholarships and incentives for becoming an Oklahoma public school teacher.
Qualified Oklahoma students can earn scholarships and incentives of up to $25,500 for completing an approved teacher education degree and teaching in an Oklahoma public school.
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Earn Your Elementary Education Degree
“The beautiful thing about OKWU’s elementary education program is students learn to see each person as someone created in the image of God while simultaneously learning how to create lesson plans, apply understandings of learning standards, culturally responsive, and integrative curriculums in various learning environments.”
– Dr. Kelley Sells, Director of Elementary Education

Integration of faith with learning
- Evaluate learning through the lens of a biblical worldview.
- Develop teaching skills and content expertise in a Christian environment.
- Learn to see each person as someone created in the image of God.
- Be prepared for a teaching career in a public, private, or online setting.
At its core, OKWU adheres to the values of The Wesleyan Church, including Scripture, Reason, Tradition, and Experience. We believe in groundbreaking theology focused on the transformation of broken people, and this focus on reaching people where they are is vital to our curriculum.
Participate in leadership opportunities
- Educators Seeking Excellence (ESE) – A student leadership council for OKWU Education majors.
- Field Experiences – Ten hours per semester of service-learning at accredited P-12 schools for three semesters.
- Clinical Practice: Practicums – 30 hours per practicum of teaching/observation at an accredited P-12 district. Five practicums in specific learning areas.
- Clinical Practice: Student Teaching – A minimum of 15 weeks in an accredited P-12 district site.

Featured Core Classes
Creative Experience in Elementary School
This course is designed to prepare all elementary candidates for the classroom by facilitating the development of creativity in various teaching methods, strategies, and techniques. This will help candidates develop and plan lessons integrating art, music, human movement, and physical activity with the first through eighth grade curriculum.
Reading Foundations and Processes
This course concentrates on identifying, exploring, and organizing elements in the developing processes of though, language, and written communication in relation to reading. Students will also investigate different strategies used in successful reading, the history and philosophy of teaching reading in elementary schools in America, and becoming thoroughly acquainted with philosophies and programs currently in use in public schools.
Intermediate Math Methods
This course helps student teachers obtain competency in understanding mathematical concepts and operations, identifying students’ level of mathematical skill, diagnosing difficulties in process, concepts, or skills, and designing programs which will facilitate maximum growth in mathematical skills for each student.
Explore OKWU
A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma