Computer Science

Our modern world is built on technology, and it's computer science majors who will build that technology for years to come.



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Computer Science

Computer Science is one of the most desirable majors and jobs in the country today. There are over 700,00 jobs open in tech today, most of which require some technical skillset. Our curriculum was developed by Dr. Charles Severance of the University of Michigan, one of the world’s foremost computer science educators. Our curriculum is heavily based on his Python for Everyone series and is designed to make this major more approachable for those who have little or no computer science background. You’ll graduate with career-ready skills that are in high demand.

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Google serves as a curriculum collaborator to the Computer Science and Cloud Computing courses in this program, providing ongoing guidance and feedback on the course topics and learning outcomes.

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According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, software developers had a median salary of $110,140 in 2020 and the number of jobs is expected to grow by 22% this decade.

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Specialty courses in this program are available in synchronous or asynchronous options, allowing for more flexible class schedules while still on campus.

Want a cutting-edge career in tech, but unsure what to major in?

Career Path

The number of jobs open nationally for computer science jobs is expected to grow at more than 4x the national average rate through 2028. Entry-level positions, such as Computer Programmer or Data Administrator, earn salaries in excess of $58,000 annually. Beyond the entry level, some of the job titles in this career pathway are:

  • Computer Scientist – National Average Salary: $111,393
  • Software Architect– National Average Salary: $131,238
  • IT Project Manager – National Average Salary: $97,647
  • Network Architect – National Average Salary: $125,149
  • Software Engineer – National Average Salary: $93,846
  • Web Developer – National Average Salary: $67,787

Earn Your Computer Science Degree

  • Faculty with real-world analytics experience
  • Transfer credit accepted
  • Accredited by the HLC
  • Create usable applications leveraging modern front-end frameworks.
  • Use relational databases using modern back-end frameworks.
  • Master programming in Python, Django, Javascript, C, and MySQL.
Ranked 6 of the top 10 careers
Number 1 ranked job by US News
Courses built in collaboration with Google

Why Computer Science Matters

Our modern world is built on technology, and it’s computer science majors who will build that technology for years to come. Unfortunately, most post-secondary institutions aren’t doing enough to meet that need. Computer Science programs elsewhere have some of the highest drop-out rates of any degree, so we’ve designed one to help anyone and everyone get started in this growing career.  This program is industry-relevant, accessible to all students, and job-focused to ensure your degree is worth the investment.

How does this degree align with the real world?

Google helped us build this degree to ensure that it aligned with the industry needs of the future. They provide ongoing guidance and feedback on the course topics and learning outcomes, and help ensure that our experts and faculty contributors are aligned to the real-world needs of companies today.

Taught by Industry Experts

OKWU has partnered with a consortium of colleges and universities to be able to bring this degree to campus. Several of the technical courses in this degree will be taught online by professors from one of our partner universities.

Turn your curiosity into a career with Computer Science
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Featured Core Classes

Programming for Everyone

This course, built in collaboration with Google, provides a gentle, but thorough, introduction to programming using Python. You will learn the core concepts and techniques needed to create programs and perform basic data analysis. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to pursue further study in computer science and unlock more advanced programming courses. This online class has optional live sessions.

Application Development

This course – built in collaboration with Google – is the second part of the application development series. In this course, you will put your skills into practice and build your own application. By the end of this course, you’ll have a greater understanding of the technologies that power modern apps and be able to build your own.

Data Structures

This course, built in collaboration with Google, will teach you how to understand and use data structures. Data structures are used by almost every program and application to store, access and modify the vast quantities of data that are needed by modern software. By the end of this course you’ll learn what data structures are and learn how to use them in the applications you build.

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