Business Analytics
The Business Analytics degree program teaches students to conduct the research that helps organizations plan new marketing strategies, make business decisions, and map out the path to future success. Additionally, the degree offers students the opportunity to pursue a wide range of careers in business, finance and healthcare.
Jobs for Data Analysts offer starting salaries of $65,000 – $115,000, according to One such example – Operations Research Analyst – offers a median salary of $86,200, and employment is projected to grow at a rate four times higher than the national average. OKWU’s Business Analytics program is intended to prepare students for similar roles in a variety of industries or to pursue further study in Data Science or Analytics.

This program was developed in cooperation with industry representatives from the Department of Defense, Meta, Stripe, and Along with our faculty, this group provides ongoing guidance and feedback on the course topics and learning outcomes to ensure that graduates are prepared to add value on day one.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, data scientists had a median salary of $100,910 in 2021. Employment of data scientists has a bright outlook and is projected to grow 36 percent per year from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

Specialty courses in this program are available in synchronous or asynchronous options, allowing for more flexible class schedules while still on campus.

Career Path
The number of jobs open nationally for data analysts video has a bright outlook. Entry-level positions, such as Data Analyst, earn average salaries in excess of $59,000 annually. Beyond the entry level, some of the job titles in this career pathway are:
Earn Your Business Analytics Degree
- Faculty with real-world analytics experience
- Transfer credit accepted
- Accredited by the HLC
- Solve real-world analytical problems
- Master professional analytical tools
- Present findings that inform decisions

Why Business Analytics Matters
Our modern world is built on technology and produces massive amounts of data. In order to be able to compete, corporations depend on Business Analysts and Data Scientists to provide a competitive advantage through the use of data. We’ve designed the Business Analytics degree to help anyone and everyone get started in this growing career.
You’ll learn to develop and implement analytics applications to transform raw data into meaningful information using data-oriented programming languages and visualization software. This program is industry-relevant, accessible to all students, and job-focused to ensure your degree is worth the investment.
Taught by Industry Experts
OKWU has partnered with a consortium of colleges and universities to be able to bring this degree to campus. Some of the technical courses in this degree will be taught online by professors from one of our partner universities.

Featured Core Classes
Foundations of Data Analytics
In an increasingly data-driven world, everyone should be able to understand the numbers that govern our lives. Whether or not you want to work as a data analyst, being “data literate” will help you in your chosen field. In this course, you’ll learn the core concepts of inference and data analysis by working with real data. By the end of the term, you’ll be able to analyze large datasets and present your results
Principles & Techniques of Data Analysis
Data Analytics combines data, computation and inferential thinking to solve challenging problems and understand their intricacies. This class explores key principles and techniques of data science, and teaches students how to create informative data visualizations.
Analytics Practicum
This course is a capstone project in which students are asked to work through a full data science workflow on a set of real data drawn from sports, politics, business or public health. This course exists to prepare students for the kind of work they will do on Data Science or Analytics teams, and as such, also features an emphasis on interviewing for jobs in the space and communicating results to stakeholders.
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