School of Health & Sciences




Find Your Degree

Dr. Hartter teaching in class

Undergrad Programs

  • AA Biology
  • AA Chemistry
  • AA General Science
  • AA Mathematics
  • AA Technical Programs

Not only a job – a mission.

The OKWU School of Health & Sciences has been built on the foundation of Christ and His ministry to heal individuals, communities, and nations, while our groundbreaking exercise science programs prepare graduates for careers in the fields of health, wellness, and physical training. We offer multiple programs to meet your interests.

Our focus is on healing and educating the whole person. We develop curriculum, policies, and programs that expand Christ’s mission to the world while mentoring health care professionals at every level of degree. Join us for the fun adventure of learning while exploring your own personal giftings. 

Prof. Josh McNall teaching students

Dean’s Scholarship


Are you an exceptional kind of student? Someone who wants more out of life and is willing to explore, inquire, study, and learn more?

Then consider applying for one of our new $10,000 annual Dean’s Scholarships. Our deans are awarding extraordinary students who are committed to excellence in their studies. You’ll develop the knowledge and skills that prepare you to be real-world ready. Tomorrow needs you!

OKWU Expands Pro-Life Impact by Gifting Mobile Ultrasound Unit

OKWU Expands Pro-Life Impact by Gifting Mobile Ultrasound Unit

At Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU), our commitment to celebrating life and supporting women, babies, and families remains unwavering. As part of this mission, we are excited to announce that we are gifting our mobile ultrasound unit to The Cottage, a trusted...

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A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma

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