Find Your Business Degree

Undergraduate Programs & Offerings
- Accounting
- Bachelor of Business with emphases in:
- Marketing
- Management & Leadership
- Sports Marketing
- Business Analytics
- Business Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Cybersecurity
- Game Development
- Interdisciplinary Business
- Sports Management
Seek truth. Think strategically. Engage effectively.
We are a community of scholar-practitioners seeking one thing: excellence in business education. We seek to communicate effectively, think strategically, and lead with integrity, providing the best in education so that our graduates are technically excellent, professionally qualified, and ethically strong.
Most importantly, we seek to support men and women who are spiritually mature, integrating the foundation of biblical truth into our curriculum. We equip students to be witnesses for Christ in organizations across the world – for-profit, non-profit, governmental, or ministry-related.

Why graduates choose OKWU:
Classroom Instruction
Through general education classes, business “tool” courses, and specialized study in specific areas of business, our students graduate prepared for a variety of careers in the field.
Internship Experiences
We partner with some of the largest, most rapidly expanding companies in the Midwest to provide our students with the practical experience employers are looking for. Our graduates have gone on to careers with Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and more.
Extracurricular Activities
The Pareto Group is designed to impart real-world leadership skills and experiences for OKWU business students, as well as to build connections in the business world outside the university.
Dean’s Scholarship
Are you an exceptional kind of student? Someone who wants more out of life and is willing to explore, inquire, study, and learn more?
Then consider applying for one of our new $10,000 annual Dean’s Scholarships. Our deans are awarding extraordinary students who are committed to excellence in their studies. You’ll develop the knowledge and skills that prepare you to be real-world ready. Tomorrow needs you!
Building Tomorrow’s Business Leaders at OKWU
The Chesapeake Energy School of Business at Oklahoma Wesleyan University is dedicated to equipping students with the tools they need to thrive in the professional world. One of its most impactful programs, the Pareto Group, is doing just that—preparing ambitious...
A Journey of Service, Faith, and Leadership
In celebration of yesterday's Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, we are honored to highlight Melissa Ringnalda, an Oklahoma Wesleyan University alumna whose journey exemplifies servant leadership, integrity, and dedication. From her time at OKWU to her current role as...
Don Daake: 2024 Heritage Alumni Award
Dr. Don Daake honored for his long career as an educator.
Chesapeake Energy School of Business
Keating Center

International Accreditation Council for Business Education
Oklahoma Wesleyan University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Rd, Ste 300, Overland Park, KS 66213. Click the following documents to see the business programs that are accredited by the IACBE:
Explore OKWU
A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma