Department of Nursing

Discover Our Distinctive
Nursing Programs
Prelicensure BSN Programs
Post licensure Programs
Not only a job – a mission.
The OKWU School of Nursing has been built on the foundation of Christ and His ministry to heal individuals, communities, and nations. We recognize the God given passions of nurses to lead healthcare into new pathways that affect patient outcomes through love and education. We recognize that nurses are life long learners who strongly desire to bridge gaps for vulnerable populations that need outreach. We develop curriculum, policies, and programs that expand Christ’s mission to the world while mentoring nurses at every level of degree. Join us for the fun adventure of learning while exploring your own personal giftings as a Kingdom Nurse. Your advanced degree in nursing will save lives!
Why graduates choose OKWU:
Pass Rate for Students Taking NCLEX-RN ® for the 1st time
Traditional BSN 2024 100%
Traditional BSN 2023 83%
Traditional BSN 2022 100% ** This is for the 2022 Cohort, other years are the year averages.Traditional BSN 2021 100%
Traditional BSN 2020 91.6%
Traditional BSN 2019 100%Traditional BSN 2018 100%
A commitment to providing a transformative, Christ-centered education.
BSN Admission Requirements
Residential BSN Admission Requirements
Because the professional nurse deals with the lives of people – adults and children – it is essential that nursing students exhibit a high caliber of academic and personal performance. Criteria for entrance into the School of Nursing ensure our students and graduates meet the profession’s high standards. These criteria cover four major areas: academic, testing, health and criminal background checks.
Admissions Criteria for BSN Program
Admissions Criteria for LPN to BSN Program
Traditional BSN Admission Application
Academic criteria
- Completion of a minimum of 32 college credit hours of study
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Completion of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better:
- English Composition I & II
- General Psychology
- At least two of the following general Science courses:
- Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry
- Microbiology
- Anatomy
- Physiology
Note: All of the courses listed above must be completed with a grade of “C” or better to progress to junior-level nursing courses.
If positions are limited, additional consideration will be given to students’ ACT, SAT, GPA, and other test scores in making decisions for admission to the School of Nursing.
Testing Criteria
BSN Entrance Exam
The entrance exam, known as the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), must be taken. All applicants must be able to reach the TEAS V benchmark score of 70% within three attempts for acceptance in the Traditional BSN program. TEAS V Testing is available on the Bartlesville campus (April-June). Applicants who cannot test on-site will have to make arrangements to test through
Health Criteria
This requirement will be necessary after the applicant has been accepted by the university. Information will be sent upon admittance into the Traditional BSN program, but applicants can view the requirements below or locate them in the Traditional BSN packet.
Criminal Background Check and Drug Screen
This requirement will be necessary after the applicant has been accepted by the university. Information will be sent for this criteria upon admittance into the Traditional BSN program.
Required Documents for Traditional BSN Acceptance
- OKWU Application for Admission
- Admission to School of Nursing
- Nursing Essay
- All Transcripts submitted to Admissions Office
Online Scholarship Opportunities
Nursing Student Assistance Program
- Eligibility: U.S. Citizen, legal resident of Oklahoma, admitted to an Oklahoma accredited nursing program, 3.0 GPA
- Amount: Dependant on program, view here
- Apply Here
Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Training Commission
- This is offered twice a year for all levels of nursing education (LPN-DNP)
- Learn more here
Questions? Contact or call 866.668.6834
Program Entry Pathways
Pre-RN licensure BSN
Post-RN Licensure Programs
Learn more about our RN to BSN program here
Nurse Residency Program Credit
An RN to BSN or MSN student who has completed a Vizient AACN Nurse Residency or ANCC PTAP Nursing Residency programs will get credit for the NURS213: Nursing’s Role in Health Care course and assignments in two courses in the MSN Program.
Prior Learning Assessment
Nurses with certificated and selected advanced professional skills may be eligible for prior learning assessment credits to replace elective courses or obtain clinical hours.
Nursing Certificate Programs
Students receive 9 credit hours of college credit and a certificate in Nursing Administration, Nursing Education, and Nursing Informatics
Credits can be applied to the MSN or BSN-DNP program if student enroll at OKWU
In addition to the RN Associate Degree, applicants with a Diploma from a hospital School of Nursing are eligible for our program. The practicing RN with an associate’s degree can transfer 60 hours (or more) of college credit. Applicants with a Diploma from a hospital school of Nursing may transfer in 40 credit hours.
Masters in Nursing (MSN)
With three elective foci (Education, Administration, or Informatics)
You are eligible for our MSN program if you have a non-nursing bachelors degree. During the Capstone Course Exit Presentation, you will present mastery of the AACN BSN Essentials in addition to the AACN MSN Essentials.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
The OKWU School of Nursing offers a variety of entry pathways into the DNP program. Whether you have a BSN, MSN, or FNP you are eligible for our esteemed terminal degree.
Frequenty Asked Questions
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Why do you think higher education from a Biblical worldview is important for students in today’s culture? How does OKWU do this
Nursing has deep roots in church history and is based on Biblical concepts of compassion and love for others. These are valuable concepts for our culture today that is caring for more people who are hurting physically, mentally, and spiritually. OKWU incorporates Biblical-based concepts through the nursing model we embrace and Scripture is interwoven through our curriculum.
What accreditation do you have?
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Oklahoma Wesleyan University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (
I am a licensed Registered Nurse, but I am not currently working. Can I still complete the RN to BSN, MSN or DNP program?
Yes, absolutely. Although you may not be working now, you have a vast variety of experience and knowledge that qualifies you for our program. Please join us and take the next step towards your goals.
What is the minimum GPA required for your programs?
Pre-licensure BSN programs, MSN, and DNP programs require a 3.0 GPA. Our post-licensure RN to BSN programs requires a 2.5 GPA.
I am not a Christian; can I still enroll in this program?
Yes, absolutely. Our nursing program is for everyone. We will respect your opinion and belief system.
What are the clinical requirements for RN to BSN, MSN, and DNP?
The objective of these projects is to complete an in-depth assignment as evidence of learning in addition to normal classroom assignments. During the clinical courses, students will demonstrate an advanced level of understanding of nursing science and integrate this knowledge into nursing practice. The practice experience takes the place of the traditional clinical rotation learning experience. These experiences typically involve hands on learning such as interviews, physical assessments, family assessments, community assessments, and shadowing nurse leaders. Completion of these hours are flexible and may be designed to work around the student’s personal schedule. This may include full days, partial days, or consecutive days depending on the student and preceptor’s arrangements.
Meet the faculty.
Our team is ready to help you jumpstart your career in the healthcare industry. Learn more about our undergraduate BSN program.
Explore OKWU
A Premier Christian University in Northeast Oklahoma