Professor Wendel Weaver with Bac

Wendel Weaver

Dean of Chesapeake Energy School of Business & Professor of Business

Keating Center

Wendel Weaver

Since 2005, Dr. Wendel Weaver has faithfully served Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU) as Professor of Strategy and Marketing, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development, Director of the Chesapeake Energy School of Business Pareto Group (CESB honors program), Director of Internships/Coops, and his most recent appointment as Dean for the CESB. He regularly teaches educational travel courses in Hong Kong, Colorado, New York, Israel, and numerous European countries. He holds degrees from the University of Texas, Austin, Le Tourneau University, Longview, Texas, and Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana.

Dr. Weaver currently serves the community at large by dedicating time and energy to three boards (two non-profits and one for-profit). Additionally, he regularly speaks and consults as time permits.

He has been married to his college sweetheart since 1988 and they have had the privilege of raising and nurturing five wonderful girls. And they welcomed his first son-in-law into the family in 2021.

During his college years at the University of Texas, he played football for the Longhorns the year the team fell one point short of being crowned national champions. While in college he also helped found Beta Upsilon Chi/BYX (pronounced BUX) Brothers Under Christ – in 1985. Today, it is the largest Christian Fraternity in the world serving 35 university campuses around the US with over 2,500 college men participating each year. Dr. Weaver currently serves as Chairman/CEO of BYX.

Prior to academia Dr. Weaver had 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry and served several years as a Corporate Stock Broker with Fidelity Investments, Boston MA.

“The best part of my job at OKWU is getting to create an environment where students can discover, learn, and grow within their gifting. We seek truth here, and we challenge our students to think critically so that they can engage with their circles of influence effectively.” 


Principles of Marketing

Global Business

Business Ethics

CESB Internships

Pareto Group

Publications and Presentations:

  • The Value of Educational Travel, IACBE Regional Conference


Member, American Marketing Association

Member, Christian Business Faculty Association

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